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Canarience Phoenix Large

Canarience Phoenix Large


Phoenix canariensis, the Canary Island palm or Palma Canaria, is a species of palm endemic to the Canary Islands. Due to its beauty, ease of adaptation and resistance to cold, it is one of the palm trees that is most used in gardening, it is a large palm with a thick and very leathery trunk. Its leaves form dense webbed plumes. The flowers are arranged in dense orange clusters. Its fruits are smaller than dates. It is a solitary palm, which reaches a size of 10 to 13 meters high and 50 to 70 cm in diameter, armed; thick stems with persistent leaf sheaths; dioecious plants. Its pinnate leaves are numerous, 5 to 7 meters long, the upper ones erect and the lower ones pendulous or arched. The pinnae are arranged at different angles, the lower ones modified in the manner of acanthophylls. The pod is 150 cm long, forming a fibrous network. 


Presentation in approximate trunk height: 3.5 - 6 metros

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